Last updated January 2023
These community guidelines explain expected behavior and acceptable content when using this app. We’re committed to building a civil, respectful and welcoming experience for everyone. All users of the app must follow these guidelines in addition to our Terms of Service. We will enforce these rules and violations may lead to account termination.
1. Zero tolerance for abusive users or harassment of others
Attacking other community members through repeated unwanted interactions is prohibited.
2. Zero tolerance for hate speech
Using the app to post hate speech is prohibited.
3. No posting illegal content
Community members are expected to follow their local laws and regulations regarding acceptable content.
4. No incitement to violence
Posts encouraging violence towards other community members or other people is prohibited.
5. No spam
Repeated posts and tagging of other community members in an unwanted or spam-like manner is prohibited.
6. No misleading impersonation
While parody and satire are acceptable, deliberate impersonation of well-known people in an attempt to mislead others is prohibited.
7. Respect intellectual property
Posting content that violates another person or entity’s intellectual property is prohibited.
If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please send an email with the subject “Community guidelines” to [email protected].