1. Launch EC2 Instance

You should expect to pay roughly $100 / month for an EC2 instance that can run Hubble.

  1. In AWS, go to EC2 > Instances > Launch Instances

  2. Give it a name and select Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type and 64-bit (x86)

  3. Choose m5.xlarge for instance type (~$70/mo)

  4. In Key pair (login), select Create a new key pair , then select RSA and .pem format, and save it

  5. In Network settings, select Allow SSH traffic from Anywhere

  6. In Configure storage, select 20 GiB of gp3 storage($30/mo)

  7. Click Launch Instance on the righthand side menu

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Configure Network Permissions

  1. Go to EC2 → Instances
  2. Click on the Instance ID
  3. Click on Security > Security groups > (Security Group ID)
  4. Click on Edit inbound rules and Edit outbound rules on the group page and add rules until they match the screenshot below

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  1. Add port 2281 to the inbound rules if you wish to use the HTTP API

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3. Connect to your Instance

  1. Find your .pem file from earlier and run chmod 400 key.pem
  2. Go to EC2 → Instances, click on the Instance ID and copy the IPv4 Address
  3. Connect with ssh ubuntu@<ipv4 address> -i key.pem

4. Setup and run hubble

Follow the remaining instructions on installing hubble